Interview with Nour Halabi

3 min readJul 15, 2020

Name: Nour Halabi

  1. What role do you play at UXR Lab?

I am a PhD student, I find my role is based on my area of expertise which falls under play-testing data analytics and information visualization. In that role I find that I tend to offer guidance, assistance, and share advice based on my experience whether it’s on how to conduct studies, writing and publishing academically, to game evaluation or tool development.

2. What inspired you to go into games and UX?

Having always been a curious child, I found myself examining and analyzing how different systems and software worked. I’ve always been drawn to new and exciting technologies which led me to pursue a creative major, an undergraduate in game development, aside from my love for video games.

Throughout my undergrad, research has been a big part of my study from investigating new programming techniques to play-testing which game design mechanics worked best. It allowed for new interests to emerge such as a larger focus on the player’s experience side, the psychology behind the player behaviours and motivations, serious gaming for teaching or training, developing games for disabilities, and the usability of the interactive systems.

As having enjoyed that process and found value in it, I was inspired to pursue a research in UX and was highly inspired to work with Dr. Pejman and felt he was the best fit for me due to our aligned interest, his expertise, diverse skills, and affiliations in the GUR field.

3. What are some games and apps whose design you love? Why is that?

I’ve always enjoyed Binding of Isaac because each time you play it, you have a different experience making it highly replayable. It is easy to pick up with simple controls, and there’s always new items to discover, collect, and combine. I also enjoy Minecraft due to the freedom it provides players in how they choose to play and express their creativity.

In terms of apps, I love Discord because of how the developers approach the design of the app from a user centered design perspective by continuously adding and improving on their features to suit users’ wants and needs while keeping accessibility in mind for easy and effective online interactions.

4. How did you get to join UXR Lab?

I joined the lab in 2017 as a master’s student under Dr. Pejman’s supervision. Previously during my undergrad, I had the chance to work with Dr. Pejman through a joint summer research assistant position which was a great first step to gain more insight and experience in research and the UXR/GUR field. Currently, I continue to be a member as a PhD student through a joint supervision with Dr. Pejman and Dr. Guenter Wallner.

5. What is your favorite project that you have worked on?

Researching data visualization techniques for Games User Research for many reasons: I learned how to design and conduct my first official user study, gained skills in qualitative data analysis, got to collaborate with a professor abroad, and published two papers in the field that allowed me to travel overseas to present on the work.

6. If you could give any advice to the future UXR Lab members, what would it be?

To not be afraid to ask for help. If someone asks you to do something and you’re not exactly sure how to do it, asking for a simple clarification can save you unnecessary stress and time.

7. What are some of your favorite aspects of UXR Lab?

I love the diversity in our lab, how supportive and friendly the members are of each other, and the connections we have through the lab that provide us with chances to work with people and teams from different backgrounds.




Research team at Ontario Tech University exploring the design and evaluation of interactive media. We work on commercial and academic projects.